Tag Archives: truth

THE REFUGEE by Philson Ong

I sit at a bench in the park. The sun is setting, staining the sky with beautiful red and gold. It is autumn and the leaves fall to the ground at the slightest wind. They are as colorful as the sky. I sit there admiring the view. Then I notice him. An aged man walks […]


I.   Prologue/The Nature of the Question It would be silly for me to do any type of critical analysis about data science for the simple reason that at this point in my life I cannot do the math. “To those who do not know mathematics it is difficult to get across a real feeling as to […]

VALERIANO DIVIACCHI / The Truth on SJC Cases 12025 and 13241

VALERIANO DIVIACCHI     For full version with additional references, citations, and exhibits, see VALERIANO DIVIACCHI / The Truth on SJC Cases 12025 and 13241   VALERIANO DIVIACCHI Private citizen Valeriano Diviacchi pursuant to the First Amendment states the following regarding SJC Case 12025, In Re Valeriano Diviacchi, in which the undersigned Valeriano Diviacchi was […]